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Brotherton, R., French, C.C. and Pickering, A.D. Measuring belief in conspiracy theories: The generic conspiracist beliefs scale

Butt, L. “Lipstick Girls” and “Fallen Women”: AIDS and Conspiratorial Thinking in Papua, Indonesia

Dagnall, N., Drinkwater, K., Parker, A., Denovan, A. and Parton, M. Conspiracy theory and cognitive style: A worldview

Darwin, H., Neave, N. and Holmes, J. Belief in conspiracy theories. The role of paranormal belief, paranoid ideation and schizotypy

Elman, J.L. Origins of language: A conspiracy theory

Fekete, L. The muslim conspiracy theory and the oslo massacre

Geertz, C. Thick Discription: Toward an Interpretive Theory of Culture

Heins, V. Critical theory and the traps of conspiracy thinking

Imhoff, R. and Lamberty, P.K. Too special to be duped: Need for uniqueness motivates conspiracy beliefs

Miller, J.M., Saunders, K.L. and Farhart, C.E. Conspiracy Endorsement as Motivated Reasoning: The Moderating Roles of Political Knowledge and Trust

Motter, G. Conspiracy theory

Newheiser, A.K., Farias, M. and Tausch, N. The functional nature of conspiracy beliefs: Examining the underpinnings of belief in the Da Vinci Code conspiracy

Oliver, J.E. and Wood, T.J. Conspiracy theories and the paranoid style(s) of mass opinion

Phillipson, R. Linguistic imperialism: a conspiracy, or a conspiracy of silence?

Raab, M.H., Ortlieb, S.A., Auer, N., Guthmann, K. and Carbon, C.C. Thirty shades of truth: Conspiracy theories as stories of individuation, not of pathological delusion

Stempel, C., Hargrove, T. and Stempel, G.H. Media use, social structure, and belief in 9/11 conspiracy theories

Swami, V., Coles, R., Stieger, S., Pietschnig, J., Furnham, A., Rehim, S. and Voracek, M. Conspiracist ideation in Britain and Austria: Evidence of a monological belief system and associations between individual psychological differences and real-world and fictitious conspiracy theories

Swami, V. Social psychological origins of conspiracy theories: The case of the Jewish conspiracy theory in Malaysia

Uscinski, J.E., Klofstad, C. and Atkinson, M.D. What Drives Conspiratorial Beliefs? The Role of Informational Cues and Predispositions

Van der Linden, S. The conspiracy-effect: Exposure to conspiracy theories (about global warming) decreases pro-social behavior and science acceptance

Wood, M.J. and Douglas, K.M. What about building 7?” A social psychological study of online discussion of 9/11 conspiracy theories

Xu, Z., Pothula, S.P., Wilson, J.S. and Apte, M.V. Pancreatic cancer and its stroma: A conspiracy theory

Created by JabRef on 13/06/2019.