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function stripDiacritics(str){ if(noSquiggles==false){ return str; } var answer=''; for(var i=0;i<str.length;i++){ var ch=str[i]; var chindex=ch.charCodeAt(0)-192; // Index of character code in the strip string if(chindex>=0 && chindex<stripstring.length){ // Character is within our table, so we can strip the accent... var outch=stripstring.charAt(chindex); // ...unless it was shown as a '.' if(outch!='.')ch=outch; } answer+=ch; } return answer; } // // NOTE: must escape every \ in the export code because of the JabRef Export... function escapeRegExp(str) { return str.replace(/[-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, "\\$&"); } function toggleInfo(articleid,info) { var entry = document.getElementById(articleid); var abs = document.getElementById('abs_'+articleid); var rev = document.getElementById('rev_'+articleid); var bib = document.getElementById('bib_'+articleid); if (abs && info == 'abstract') { abs.className.indexOf('noshow') == -1?abs.className = 'abstract noshow':abs.className = 'abstract show'; 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} } function setStatistics (hits) { if(hits < 0) { hits=numEntries; } if(stats) { = hits + '/' + numEntries} } function getTextContent(node) { // Function written by Arve Bersvendsen // if (node.nodeType == 3) { return node.nodeValue; } // text node if (node.nodeType == 1 && node.className != "infolinks") { // element node var text = []; for (var chld = node.firstChild;chld;chld=chld.nextSibling) { text.push(getTextContent(chld)); } return text.join(""); } return ""; // some other node, won't contain text nodes. } function showAll(){ closeAllInfo(); for (var i = 0; i < numEntries; i++){ entryRows[i].className = 'entry show'; } } function closeAllInfo(){ for (var i=0; i < numInfo; i++){ if (infoRows[i].className.indexOf('noshow') ==-1) { infoRows[i].className = infoRows[i].className + ' noshow'; } } } function clearQS() { qsfield.value = ''; showAll(); } function redoQS(){ showAll(); quickSearch(qsfield); } function updateSetting(obj){ var option =; var checked = obj.value; switch(option) { case "opt_searchAbs": searchAbstract=!searchAbstract; 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A 3-phase experiment with 312 participants compared 3 main groups: no-treatment control, inoculation, and metainoculation. Research questions exploredhowinoculation andmetainoculation effects differ based on the argument structure of inoculationmessages (fact- vs. logic-based). The attack message was a 40-minute chapter from the 9/11 Truth conspiracy theory film, LooseChange: Final Cut.The results indicated that both the inoculation treatments induced more resistance than the control message, with the fact-based treatment being the most effective. The results also revealed that metainoculation treatments reduced the efficacy of the inoculation treatment</td> </tr> <tr id="bib_Banas2013" class="bibtex noshow"> <td colspan="6"><b>BibTeX</b>: <pre> @article{Banas2013, author = {Banas, John A. and Miller, Gregory}, title = {Inducing resistance to conspiracy theory propaganda: Testing inoculation and metainoculation strategies}, journal = {Human Communication Research}, year = {2013}, doi = {} } |
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@article{Brotherton2013, author = {Brotherton, Robert and French, Christopher C. and Pickering, Alan D.}, title = {Measuring belief in conspiracy theories: The generic conspiracist beliefs scale}, journal = {Frontiers in Psychology}, year = {2013}, doi = {} } |
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@article{Butt2005, author = {Butt, Leslie}, title = {"Lipstick Girls" and "Fallen Women": AIDS and Conspiratorial Thinking in Papua, Indonesia}, journal = {Cultural Anthropology}, year = {2005}, doi = {} } |
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@article{Dagnall2015, author = {Dagnall, Neil and Drinkwater, Kenneth and Parker, Andrew and Denovan, Andrew and Parton, Megan}, title = {Conspiracy theory and cognitive style: A worldview}, journal = {Frontiers in Psychology}, year = {2015}, doi = {} } |
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@article{Darwin2011, author = {Darwin, Hannah and Neave, Nick and Holmes, Joni}, title = {Belief in conspiracy theories. The role of paranormal belief, paranoid ideation and schizotypy}, journal = {Personality and Individual Differences}, year = {2011}, doi = {} } |
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@article{Elman1999, author = {Elman, Jeffrey L.}, title = {Origins of language: A conspiracy theory}, journal = {The emergence of language}, year = {1999} } |
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@article{Fekete2012, author = {Fekete, Liz}, title = {The muslim conspiracy theory and the oslo massacre}, journal = {Race and Class}, year = {2012}, doi = {} } |
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@incollection{Geertz2003, author = {Geertz, C}, title = {Thick Discription: Toward an Interpretive Theory of Culture}, booktitle = {Readings in the philosophy of social science}, year = {2003}, doi = {} } |
rackets' are an ambitious but flawed attempt to theorize conspiracy. It is argued that Horkheimer's theory is imbued by the very conspiracy thinking that he proposed to criticize. Second, the author suggests recovering Franz Neumann's concept of
political alienation’ as a more appropriate starting point to think critically about the ethical and epistemological questions raised by conspiracy theories.
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@article{Heins2007, author = {Heins, Volker}, title = {Critical theory and the traps of conspiracy thinking}, journal = {Philosophy & Social Criticism}, year = {2007}, doi = {} } |
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@article{Imhoff2017, author = {Imhoff, Roland and Lamberty, Pia Karoline}, title = {Too special to be duped: Need for uniqueness motivates conspiracy beliefs}, journal = {European Journal of Social Psychology}, year = {2017}, doi = {} } |
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@article{Miller2016, author = {Miller, Joanne M. and Saunders, Kyle L. and Farhart, Christina E.}, title = {Conspiracy Endorsement as Motivated Reasoning: The Moderating Roles of Political Knowledge and Trust}, journal = {American Journal of Political Science}, year = {2016}, doi = {} } |
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@article{Motter2009, author = {Motter, Garry}, title = {Conspiracy theory}, journal = {EDN}, year = {2009} } |
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@article{Newheiser2011, author = {Newheiser, Anna Kaisa and Farias, Miguel and Tausch, Nicole}, title = {The functional nature of conspiracy beliefs: Examining the underpinnings of belief in the Da Vinci Code conspiracy}, journal = {Personality and Individual Differences}, year = {2011}, doi = {} } |
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@article{Oliver2014, author = {Oliver, J. Eric and Wood, Thomas J.}, title = {Conspiracy theories and the paranoid style(s) of mass opinion}, journal = {American Journal of Political Science}, year = {2014}, doi = {} } |
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@article{Phillipson2007, author = {Phillipson, Robert}, title = {Linguistic imperialism: a conspiracy, or a conspiracy of silence?}, journal = {Language Policy}, year = {2007}, doi = {} } |
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@article{Raab2013, author = {Raab, Marius H. and Ortlieb, Stefan A. and Auer, Nikolas and Guthmann, Klara and Carbon, Claus Christian}, title = {Thirty shades of truth: Conspiracy theories as stories of individuation, not of pathological delusion}, journal = {Frontiers in Psychology}, year = {2013}, doi = {} } |
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@article{Stempel2007, author = {Stempel, Carl and Hargrove, Thomas and Stempel, Guido H.}, title = {Media use, social structure, and belief in 9/11 conspiracy theories}, journal = {Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly}, year = {2007}, doi = {} } |
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@article{Swami2011, author = {Swami, Viren and Coles, Rebecca and Stieger, Stefan and Pietschnig, Jakob and Furnham, Adrian and Rehim, Sherry and Voracek, Martin}, title = {Conspiracist ideation in Britain and Austria: Evidence of a monological belief system and associations between individual psychological differences and real-world and fictitious conspiracy theories}, journal = {British Journal of Psychology}, year = {2011}, doi = {} } |
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@article{Swami2012, author = {Swami, Viren}, title = {Social psychological origins of conspiracy theories: The case of the Jewish conspiracy theory in Malaysia}, journal = {Frontiers in Psychology}, year = {2012}, doi = {} } |
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@article{Uscinski2016, author = {Uscinski, Joseph E. and Klofstad, Casey and Atkinson, Matthew D.}, title = {What Drives Conspiratorial Beliefs? The Role of Informational Cues and Predispositions}, journal = {Political Research Quarterly}, year = {2016}, doi = {} } |
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@article{VanderLinden2015, author = {Van der Linden, Sander}, title = {The conspiracy-effect: Exposure to conspiracy theories (about global warming) decreases pro-social behavior and science acceptance}, journal = {Personality and Individual Differences}, year = {2015}, doi = {} } |
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@article{Wood2013, author = {Wood, Michael J. and Douglas, Karen M.}, title = {What about building 7?" A social psychological study of online discussion of 9/11 conspiracy theories}, journal = {Frontiers in Psychology}, year = {2013}, doi = {} } |
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@misc{Xu2014, author = {Xu, Zhihong and Pothula, Srinivasa P. and Wilson, Jeremy S. and Apte, Minoti V.}, title = {Pancreatic cancer and its stroma: A conspiracy theory}, booktitle = {World Journal of Gastroenterology}, year = {2014}, doi = {} } |